Cristina Ballenilla Reina _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Telf: 651043319
Psychological therapy.
Therapy is a space of confidentiality where both the user and the therapist create a relationship, which allows solving what is demanded. Thetherapistis the person who orients, guides and accompanies in this process of "becoming aware" of the place where one is, And he does it showing him and discovering a set of resources, strengths and abilities to face the situation in an adaptive way.
The therapy seeks to find new ways of relating to the world around us, either through; dialogue, communication, thought, ideas, emotions, sensations... to reach a state that allows us to face life in a healthy and adaptive way.
Remote psychology is a modality that also brings great results since it is a way of keeping privacy and accessing professionals who are not in your own region.
With therapy you learn new ways of thinking and dealing with everyday situations, problems, and above all that which causes discomfort and anxiety. You learn to experience feelings and sensations, such as stress, shyness, fear, etc.
Therapy gives us more emotional and mental flexibility.
With the treatment you can find a solution to depression, anxiety, phobias, grief, and in general any psychological discomfort.
Therapy helps us take ownership of our thoughts and feelings, which generates benefits in all aspects of life, including the health of the body.
It has been shown that health problems such as obesity, or chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes may well have their origin first in emotional problems that could be solved with the help of psychotherapy.
Those who have concluded a therapy process agree that it is one of the best investments that can be made in life.
It has been shown that remote psychology is just as effective as face-to-face.
Mindinside is committed to technological advances at the service of health, which is why it is used in technical interventions such as Virtual reality.